
Daffodil's theming capabilities enables you to customize @daffodil/design components to reflect your brand. A theme consists of custom color configurations that will work in dark and light themes.

Custom Colors

:stop: Before you begin, read the accessibility guide on color in @daffodil/design.


Dark and light modes are supported in all @daffodil/design components. When a theme is not specified, Daffodil defaults to the light mode.


A palette is a collection of perceptually uniform colors with consistent contrast ratios. @daffodil/design's color palettes are represented by a Sass map, with each value in a palette called a hue.

Predefined palettes

@daffodil/design offers predefined palettes based on our brand guidelines. You can choose to use our palettes or define your own. No further configuration is needed in your app-theme.scss file if you choose to use @daffodil/design's palettes. Below is an example of the structure of a predefined @daffodil/design palette.

$daff-blue: (
  10: #ebf1ff,
  20: #c4d8ff,
  30: #9dbeff,
  40: #79a7ff,
  50: #548fff,
  60: #1f66ff,
  70: #093cf3,
  80: #001bcb,
  90: #00098a,
  100: #000033

Defining your own palettes

You can define your own palettes by creating a Sass map that matches the example from above. Your Sass maps must have hues from 10 to 100, with a step increment of 10.

Setting up your custom theme file

Configure your application to support the custom palettes you created by adding the following to your app-theme.scss file:

@use '@daffodil/design/scss/theme' as daff-theme;
@use 'app-color-palettes' as palette;

// These palettes describe the colors that make up the "theme" of the components.

$primary: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-green, 60);
$secondary: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-blue, 60);
$tertiary: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-purple, 60);

$theme: daff-theme.daff-configure-theme($primary, $secondary, $tertiary, 'light');

$primary-dark: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-green, 50);
$secondary-dark: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-blue, 50);
$tertiary-dark: daff-theme.daff-configure-palette(palette.$app-purple, 50);

$theme-dark: daff-theme.daff-configure-theme($primary-dark, $secondary-dark, $tertiary-dark, 'dark');

$black: daff-theme.daff-map-deep-get($theme, '');
$white: daff-theme.daff-map-deep-get($theme, 'core.white');
$neutral: daff-theme.daff-map-deep-get($theme, 'core.neutral');

Setting up the styles file with @daffodil/design's theme

Use @daffodil/design's theme module to the styles.scss file:

@use '@daffodil/design/scss/theme' as daff-theme;

Create classes in the styles.scss file to include the theme module for $theme and $theme-dark variables. This will allow you to set a click event on a button to switch between modes. View this setup in Stackblitz

@use '@daffodil/design/scss/theme' as daff-theme;

.daff-theme-light {
    @include daff-theme.daff-theme(daff-theme.$theme);

.daff-theme-dark {
    @include daff-theme.daff-theme(daff-theme.$theme-dark);

Setting up the styles file with your custom theme

Add app-theme.scss to the styles.scss file:

@use '@daffodil/design/scss/theme' as daff-theme;
@use 'app-theme';

These lines include theme variables and functions that will generate the theme CSS and style the components.

Create classes in the styles.scss file to include the theme module for $theme and $theme-dark variables. This will allow you to set a click event on a button to switch between modes. View this setup in Stackblitz

@use '@daffodil/design/scss/theme' as daff-theme;
@use 'app-theme';

.daff-theme-light {
  @include daff-theme.daff-theme(app-theme.$theme);

.daff-theme-dark {
  @include daff-theme.daff-theme(app-theme.$theme-dark);
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